Maureen Curran
Associate Director
Email MaureenEmail: mcurran@hwbc.ie
The Bridge Centre is located in Tullamore Town Centre. Completed in 1995 and celebrating its 20th anniversary in 2015 the Centre is anchored by Dunnes Stores with 29 complimentary retail units on a mall. In addition to retail the Centre also includes offices and a busy cinema. Due to its town centre location we operate a pay car parking system. Footfall has remained strong throughout its years trading and we have worked closely with our retail agency colleagues to create a mix of occupiers that provide destination retailing , service sector facilities and leisure outlets generating regular repeat visits.
Email MaureenEmail: mcurran@hwbc.ie
In line with Government advice and for the benefit of everyone, HWBC's Harcourt Street offices are closed until further notice. We remain fully operational remotely and you should continue to contact us in the normal way. Contact details for all staff can be found by clicking on the link below, stay safe.
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